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Geography Lower Freetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada
Dimensions9.5 x 19 cm
Object numberHF.01.14.29 A-B
DescriptionKawi Wijkwe'tlaqan, also known as a quillwork birchbark container. Circular container with a friction lid. A) birchbark base is covered by two layers of brown spruce root. White quills are threaded through the spruce root creating a diamond pattern in each layer. Missing sections of spruce root have exposed areas of birchbark and the individual quills. B) the cover features a method to elawika'toq or to adorn with porcupine quills in a "double rainbow" pattern. The double rainbow is made in white quills.

The double rainbow pattern is thought to be one of the oldest decorative motifs in quillwork used by the Mi'kmaq. Brown spruce root was used as a finishing cover and it provided colour contrast to the dyed quills. Quills would originally have been dyed with natural materials so the colours were more subdued.

There are three historical methods to decorate with quills - sewing, weaving and insertion, which is the most common of the three options.